Alert Object

Parameter name Type Description Possible Values Example
_id String The alert id.   5b5f8a67d5ac5e76ef42b905
server_id String The server id.   5ccad49e9dc6d62a8e59af83
server_name String The name of the server.   JetServer
log_id String The ID of the log.   5ccad49e9dc6d62a8e59af83
title String The title of the alert.   Backup job Health Check issue
message String The reason why the alert got this level.   The backup job 'SSH' (5b28fe6ed5ac5e69bf7a1962) didn't ran since 09 Jul 2018 12:01 AM.
level Integer The significance of the alert.
  • Information - 32
  • Warning - 64
  • Critical - 128
created String When the alert created.   2018-07-30T22:00:07+00:00