License Issue Detected

Welcome to JetBackup's documentation!

JetBackup has detected that your license is reporting the status "Not Active". You have configured JetApps to notify you anytime your license is inactive for your awareness. This will prevent all automation and backups from occurring. Your JetBackup interface will not be accessible until the license issue has been resolved.

Please try the following troubleshooting steps to fix the issue:

  1. Check if the license is currently active by going to the following URL and entering the Public IP for your server:

If the license is not active, please check for overdue invoices, order a new license, or check with your license provider if you believe your license should be active and this is an error.

  1. Verify that your server is making contact with our licensing server by executing the following command inyour server terminal:


  2. Below is the expected response:

    {"success":true,"message":"","data":{"localkey":"||Invalid|No product ID was provided.",
       "hash":"|","msg":"No product ID was provided.","status":"Invalid","expires":0}}

If there is an issue connecting to our licensing server, please check your firewall or contact your license provider for support.

  1. If your license appears active and your server is able to contact our licensing server, please run the following command to forcefully refresh the license on your server:

    JetBackup 4.x: jetcli backup --license


    JetBackup 5.x: /usr/bin/jetbackup5 --license

  2. To force IPv4/IPv6 detection: /usr/bin/jetbackup5 --license-force-ip { 0 | 4 | 6 }

    0: Autodetect
    4: IPv4
    6: IPv6

  3. If you are receiving this notice and wish to cancel your JetBackup license, please contact your license provider.

  4. If you have taken all of the steps listed above and are still experiencing the issue, please contact your license provider for support.