Last modified February 20, 2025


This function allows you to create/modify the Backup Job Object.
Parameter name Type Description Possible values Example
action String REQUIRED Sets the flag to either create or modify.
_id String REQUIRED on action modify. The Backup Job ID. N/A _id=5f8a7d0d348232507c4e7f02
type Integer REQUIRED on action create. The Backup Type.
Accounts 1
Directories 2
Server Backup (BMR) 4
name String REQUIRED on action create. The name given to the Backup Job for internal use. N/A name=Daily Backup
destination List [] REQUIRED on action create. List of the Destination IDs you will perform backups to. N/A destination[0]=5fcedb7e4caee42621624bc2
contains Integer REQUIRED on action create. Value indicating what the backup contains. View all possible Contains Values below. contains=511
options Integer Choose whether you would like to exlude databases, include email contents and exclude email junk
0 Include Databases
1 Exclude Email Contents
2 Include Emails Contents
4 Exclude Databases and Exclude Junk
6 Include Junk
structure Integer REQUIRED on action create. The Integer value for Backup Structure.
Incremental 1
Archived 2
Compressed 4
retry_failed Integer Choose whether you want to retry backing up failed items for one more time.
  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
include_list List [] List of File/Directory Paths to Include for Directories Backup Types. N/A include_list[0]=/home/acct/textfile
exclude_list List [] List of File/Directory Paths to Exclude for All Backup Types. N/A exclude_list[0]=/usr/local/tmp&exclude_list[1]= /usr/local/tmp2
filters List [] List of Account Filter Object Group IDs to use for Backup Job. The Filters List is a 2D List to simulate Logical AND/OR. The list of filter IDs in a single row have the Logical OR. The list of filter IDs in different rows use the Logical AND. N/A filters[0][0]=617355f0c255bc71ee70f393&filters[0][1]=61735fe403a9b8200d6996b3&filters[1][0]=61737c0a29c3e916132b2b93&filters[1][1]=618d9d66b3814e1e082f1dc3
schedules List [] List of Schedule Object Data to assign to the Backup Job. Note: the Schedule Object must be created prior to assigning. Each schedule requires the following fields.
_id Schedule Object ID
retain Integer value for retention
time Integer The time you would like the backup job to run in 24 Hour format. N/A time=0350
monitor List [] List of the Job Monitor values in days.
ranfor Integer
notran Integer
owner String Owner(ID) of the Backup Job. The owner and his parent will have permissions to modify/delete this backup job. Owner will default to current logged-in user. owner=630e811f4ad52176890b3026
disabled Boolean Flag to know if a Backup Job is Disabled 1/0 disabled=0

Example Call JETAPI

jetbackup5api -F manageBackupJob -D \ "action=create&\ name=API Backup Job&\ owner={$OWNER_ACCOUNT_ID}&\ owner_name={$OWNER_ACCOUNT_NAME}&\ destination[0]={$DESTINATION_ID1}&\ destination[1]={$DESTINATION_ID2}&\ type=1&\ contains=511&\ structure=1&\ filters[0][0]={$GROUP_FILTER_ID1}&\ filters[1][0]={$GROUP_FILTER_ID2}&\ filters[1][1]={$GROUP_FILTER_ID3}&\ exclude_list[0]=.MirrorSearch&\ exclude_list[1]=*/.wysiwygPro_*&\ exclude_list[2]=*/core.[0-9]*& \ schedules[0][_id]={$SCHEDULE_ID1}&\ schedules[0][retain]=5&\ schedules[1][_id]={$SCHEDULE_ID2}\ schedules[1][retain]=5&\ time=2330&\ monitor[ranfor]=1&\ monitor[notran]=1"
success: 1 message: Backup Job Updated/Created Successfully system: version: 5.3.3 version_panel: 5.3.3 tier: EDGE type: cPanel retry_ms: 0 disableui: dr: agreement_panel: agreement: licenseIssue: data: _id: 6504c79fd4b57d536c05bbe2 name: testjob destination: 0: 6503eec8ebbf07708d06f1d2 destination_details: 0: _id: 6503eec8ebbf07708d06f1d2 name: s3 owner: 6503d48bfc45b1addf0a9632 owner_name: root type: S3 job_type: 1 count: 2 hidden: readonly: disabled: disk_limit: 0 disk_usage: threads: 10 update_date: 2023-09-15T20:28:13+00:00 dr: 1 reindex: running: options: path: /test access_key: secret_key: JB|HIDDEN|******************** region: us-west-1 bucket: bucket endpoint: legacy: type: 1 contains: 511 structure: 1 options: 0 state: 0 owner: 6503d48bfc45b1addf0a9632 owner_name: root next_run: last_run: running: retry_failed: 0 disabled: 0 time: 1700 backup_quota: monitor: ranfor: 0 notran: 0 manually_retain: 0 exclude_list: 0: /home 1: /root encrypted: 0 schedules: hooks: mysql_exclude_db_by_size: 0 postgresql_exclude_db_by_size: 0 mongodb_exclude_db_by_size: 0 filters: 0: 0: 6503e82270c7bdb29f08c6b3 1: 6503e82270c7bdb29f08c6b3

Example Call HTTP Backup Job Test&destination[0]=6136645f99b3fd3b3f07e902&contains=511&schedules[0][_id]=613f60409129f94ae3631d22&schedules[0][retain]=30