
Learn how to configure and manage OneDrive backup destinations.

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This guide shows how to add a OneDrive backup destination to JetBackup.


First make sure that you have the appropriate OneDrive destination plugin installed and enabled.

When creating the Destination, you will be prompted to install the OneDrive plugin and can click “Install Now” to install and enable the plugin.

Next, fill in the Backup Directory with the path you’d like to store your backups.

Then, click “Get Authorization Code” to authorize JetBackup to read and store files it creates using your OneDrive account. Proceed through the popup window until you receive an Authorization Code, which you can then paste in the “Get Authorization Code” text field.

An example OneDrive Configuration page for the destination:

An example of the OneDrive App authorization popup after clicking “Get Authorization Code”. If you are already signed in to OneDrive, you will receive a new Authorization code after accepting the required scopes.

Destination Name

Specify a unique name for your destination. This will be used internally for your convenience.

Read Only

This option allows you to add the destination as a “Read Only” destination. You can only restore and download existing backups from a read-only destination. Read Only is required if the Backup Directory is already owned by another destination/server. This option is only selectable upon creating the destination and will be automatically enabled for any destinations added during a Disaster Recovery.


Specify the owner for this destination. This grants the owner and its parent account(s) permission to modify and delete this destination. Please note that the owner specified will also need Can Manage Destinations permission granted under the Permissions section.

Maximum Concurrent Threads

This option allows you to set the number of worker threads that can be used by the destination for upload/download/get/delete requests. This will be shared evenly across the number of Concurrent Tasks set for Backup or Restore/Download. As the tasks complete, the available threads will be allocated to the remaining active tasks up to the set limit. You can lower this value if you receive rate-limit errors from the remote destination.

Backup Directory

This will be our starting point when accessing this destination. Always use the absolute path and make sure to start with “/”. For example: /PATH/TO/FOLDER.

Request Access Code

This option allows you to generate a secure access token for the purpose of storing and retrieving snapshots that were uploaded from your server using JetBackup.

HTTP Version

Select the HTTP version that will be used to connect with the destinations.

  • Default - selects the version configured on the destination
  • HTTP/1.1
  • HTTP/1.2

HTTP Retries

Controls how many retries will be attempted if the destination returns an error for an HTTP call (upload / download / delete). [ default: 3 retries ]