For video tutorials, please click here:
This section allows you to configure and finetune your JetBackup settings.
General Settings
Debug Active
Enable JetBackup to generate more detailed logs which includes additional informative data and PHP errors.
Error Reporting
When enabled, JetBackup will silently send error reports (email) to JetApps support team. By setting this to "YES", you are helping us find bugs and improve JetBackup.
Workspace Directory
Specify the directory that JetBackup will use to store all the
temporary files.
[ default: /usr/local/jetapps/usr/jetbackup5/workspace
To prevent issues with the system performance, we recommend moving the
original folder to the new destination instead of creating a new
Download Directory
Specify the directory that JetBackup will use to store all file and/or
directory downloads associated to any accounts.
[ default: /usr/local/jetapps/usr/jetbackup5/downloads
To prevent issues with system performance, we recommend creating a new
directory in the destination and to NOT move the original folder.
Note for Plesk Installations: When changing the download directory, the pssaadm user must have permissions to access the new directory in order to donwload the backups via JetBackup.
Delete orphan backups older than
Orphan backups are account backup files that are not associated with any active account. If an account is terminated, all associated backups will be set to orphan status and in turn become orphan backups. JetBackup will automatically remove these backups if the creation dates (when the backups were generated) are older than the number of days specified in this field. [default: 180 days]
NOTE: When a backup is changed to orphan status, its creation date will still be the date that it was generated. It will NOT be the date that the account was terminated.
Downloads TTL
Set the preferred number of days to store downloads generated in JetBackup. [ default: 0 days (Don't delete) ]
Days to keep logs history
Specify the number of days JetBackup will keep logs . [ default: 30 days ]
Days to keep alerts
Specify the number of days JetBackup will keep alerts. [ default: 60 days]
Manual Backups Retain
Specify the maximum number of manually generated backups that JetBackup will maintain, for each backup job. [Max: 99] [ default: 14 backups ]
Manual Backups TTL
Set the number of days JetBackup will keep manually generated backups. [ default: 0 days (Don't delete) ]
NOTE: Manual Backups will be DELETED based on the Manual Backups TTL, regardless of the account's status (Active/Orphan).
Time Format
Set the time display format for the JetBackup UI to 12 or 24 hour based. [ Default: 12 hours based (e.g. 11:00PM) ]
Concurrent System Tasks
Set the maximum number of concurrent system tasks that may run simultaneously for the Backup Cleanup/System Integrity Check Task. Please note that for each account, JetBackup will open a fork on the server. (Maximum 10 accounts)
Concurrent Restore / Download / Reindex Tasks
Set the maximum concurrent account restores, downloads, or destination reindex tasks that can run simultaneously. Please note that for each account restored/downloaded or destination reindexed, JetBackup will open a fork on the server. (Maximum 10 accounts)
Concurrent Backup / Clone Tasks
Set the maximum concurrent account backups or account clone tasks that can run simultaneously. Please note that for each account, JetBackup will open a fork on the server. (Maximum 10 accounts)
Concurrent threads and destination workers work together to make the backups faster and more reliable. It allows multiple connections to the storage destination, speeding up the backup process. Destination workers help manage these connections, ensuring data is transferred smoothly. Please take into account your storage provider's rate limits in configuring these settings - If you notice that your backup job transfer speeds keeps getting rate limited, try lowering down your threads and workers settings to 1 then gradually increase it to determine the appropriate settings that works best with your destination.
Important: Each fork created for concurrent restores/downloads/backups can use up to 100% CPU usage per core.
Backup Fork TTL
Set the maximum time a Backup Fork can run in hours. The fork will automatically abort once it reaches the specified TTL, regardless of its current status.
Only enable this setting if you know how long the largest account on your server takes to complete its backup. Setting this too low may potentially result in some account backups being aborted prematurely.
Backup Cleanup & Integrity Check Schedule
Note: During each Backup Job run, JetBackup marks all files/backups that needs to be removed. These files will then be cleaned up and deleted during the Backup Cleanup and Integrity Check process.
To prevent potential conflicts, avoid initiating a backup job while an Integrity Check is in progress.
Set how often the backup cleanup and integrity check task should run in days. This task performs cleanup of files marked for delete, and verifies the integrity of the backups on the remote destination. Any empty account backup directories will be deleted.
If problems are detected with the backup integrity, those snapshot(s) will be marked as "damaged" in the UI and will ensure any missing data detected from the damaged snapshot(s) are uploaded on the subsequent scheduled backup run.
In the case of an invalid index file, JetBackup will attempt to fix it using the snapshot index files. If the snapshot index files are missing or corrupted, then the snapshot directory will be deleted along with the associated export files.
Minimum is once per day, with a maximum of every 90 days. [ Default: 7 Days ]
Limit Accounts Downloads
Select the number of downloads that you permit to keep for each account.
Queue Priority Groups
Queue priority groups allows you to specify and group accounts by priority, allowing you to finetune how JetBackup prioritizes tasks (backups, restores, downloads) for each account. To manage and create queue priority groups, click on "Manage Queue Priority Groups"
NOTE: JetBackup prioritizes restores by the account type out of the box along with the Queue Priority Groups setting that controls backup, restore and download priority. For more Information regarding JetBackup 5's priority systems, please CLICK HERE.
To add a new queue priority group, click "+Create New Queue Priority". On the subsequent page, specify a unique queue priority group name and corresponding priority value (the lower the value, the higher the priority) then hit "Save"
For more information on how to set the queue priority for each account(s), please visit Manage Account.
Queue Priority Settings
Manage Queue Priority
Click on Manage Queue Priority to modify the queue priority settings.
Delete Queue Priority
Click on Delete Queue Priority to delete your queue priority.
Make sure that the queue priority group is not assigned to any account(s) and is not set as the default priority group in order to delete it.
Set as Default
Set the priority group as the default value.
Directory Queue Priority Group
Set the queue priority group for directory-based tasks in relation to accounts queue priority groups.
MySQL Settings
MySQL Dump max allowed packet
The maximum packet length to send to or receive from the server.
MySQL Dump force flag
Continue even if we get an SQL error.
MySQL Dump opt flag
Same as --add-drop-table, --add-locks, --create-options, --skip-opt.
MySQL Dump skip lock table flag
Continue even if we get a lock table error.
Set server resource limits of JetBackup processes using CGROUPS Please note that 100% is one core. For more information on analyzing your current server load please visit Load WIKI
CPU Limit
Limit the CPU Usage of JetBackup Processes. [ min: 5%, default: unlimited ]
IO Read Limit
Limit the IO Read Usage of JetBackup Processes. [ default: unlimited ]
IO Write Limit
Limit the IO Write Usage of JetBackup Processes. [ default: unlimited ]
NOTE: Limiting IO read/write can indirectly cause increased IO usage. On IO constrained servers it is recommended to adjust other backup settings (rsync bandwidth limit, concurrent tasks/threads) before setting IO limits.
Restore Conditions
Create conditions that users will be required to accept when executing backup restores.
To create new restore condition, click on "Manage Restore Conditions" and click "Create New Restore Condition" on the following page.
Specify the condition text that you would like to show in the Restore Action Pane then hit "Save".
File Permissions
Create file permission rules for restoring Homedir and Email files and folders.
To create new File Permissions, click on "Manage File Permissions" and click "Create New File Permission" on the following page.
Specify the permission glob pattern, file category, restored file and directory ownership(owner and group) and permisssions(file and directory) to be applied and choose whether to apply the permission rule recursively then hit "Save".
Limit Restore per account
Limit the number of restores an account can perform within a certain time period. To disble the limit, enter 0 in either one of the fields. [ Default: Disabled ]
Restore package selection
Choose whether to use the Live Account Package or the Backed Up Package when restoring accounts. The default when restoring a full account is to keep the currently assigned (live) package instead of re-assigning the package that account was using when the backup was generated. [Default: Live Account Package]
Lock account homedir while restoring files
Choose whether to lock the account home directory with 000 permissions when performing a Home Directory restore, or only lock the directories/files being restored via umask. Locking the home directory ensures other processes are not able to read/write to the home directory while the restore is in progress. [ Default: Yes ]
NOTE: When performing large home directory or files restores, locking the home directory for an extended period of time may may cause various permission denied errors while the restore is in progress. You can disable the home directory lock if you encounter errors in the panel during restore.
Privacy & Security
Server Master Encryption Key
JetBackup uses an encryption key to secure valuable data. This key is required during Disaster Recovery to successfully decrypt and import JB Config backups. Please be advised, there is no way to restore from DR without this key and it's important to keep this key on a secure remote location.
User Agreement
Displays your User Agreement to clients.
Privacy Policy
Displays your Privacy Policy to clients. For client's subject to GDPR, also specify your backup destination information in this section.
Account Encryption Selection
Enable Account Encryption Selection to give clients/users the option to choose the Backup Type they prefer.
NOTE: A backup job will be aborted if all clients/users assigned to the job select a preferred backup type (Only encrypted, No backups) that would exclude all accounts from that job.
With this option disabled, Encrypted Backups for each account will have their associated Encryption Key stored locally.
The right to be forgotten
Specify the number of days JetBackup will keep backups for TERMINATED accounts, after which ALL DATA associated to the account will be automatically deleted (including backups, logs and etc...). [ 0 to disable ]
Panel Options
Panel options may vary based on the control panel you're using. See the "Control Panels" column for the Panels a setting applies to.
To create API Access Tokens for the Linux Panel, see API Access Tokens (Linux).
Setting Name | Description | Category | Control Panel(s) | Default Value | ||||||||||||
Default Package | Specify the default package JetBackup will assign when restoring an account if the package information on the account's backup is not found on the panel. | cPanel & WHM, DirectAdmin | None | |||||||||||||
Default IP Address | Specify the default IP address JetBackup will assign when restoring an account if the IP address information on the account's backup is not found on the panel. | cPanel & WHM, DirectAdmin | None | |||||||||||||
Default Owner | Specify the default owner JetBackup will assign when restoring an account if the owner information on the account's backup is not found on the panel. | cPanel & WHM, DirectAdmin | None | |||||||||||||
API Timeout | Specify the default API timeout for DirectAdmin API calls. | DirectAdmin | 30 Seconds | |||||||||||||
Default Databases Backup Account | Specify the default account to backup ALL databases to. See Manage Databases documentation to auto-assign or manually assign databases to accounts. | Settings | Linux | None | ||||||||||||
MySQL Authentication Details | Specify your MySQL Authentication credentials to backup MySQL Databases. | Databases Auth | Linux |
MongoDB Authentication Details | Specify your MongoDB Authentication credentials to backup MongoDB Databases. Be sure to specify the Auth Database where the specified Username has been created. | Databases Auth | Linux |
PostgreSQL Authentication Details | Specify your PostgreSQL Authentication credentials to backup PostgreSQL Databases. | Databases Auth | Linux |
API Access Tokens (Linux)
In order to communicate with the JetBackup API on Linux (Standalone) servers, you must first create an API Access Token. After creating the Token, you can pass it in the request header to authenticate and run API commands on your server.
API Access Tokens can be created in the following configurations:
- Any user allowed from defined IP address.
- Any user allowed from any IP Address.
- Specific user allowed from any IP address.
- Specific user allowed from defined IP address.
Running an API command as a certain user will use their set permissions. Please refer to Permissions to assign to modify permissions assigned to an account. Please use caution when creating an unrestricted token, and keep the token saved in a secure location. For security, we recommend restricting by account and IP address.
curl -kv -H "Authorization: Bearer user1:oXBbdPuFmEtJZGYV6XQlLaxGdWm4InOQ" "https://HOST_NAME:3035/?api=1&function=getMyAccount"
NOTE: Failed/Invalid authentication will return HTTP status code 401 Unauthorized.
Create New Access Token
Enter a description for the Access Token. Used internally for your convenience. (Required)
IP Address:
Enter an IP Address to restrict token use to that IP address. Leave blank to allow all IP addresses to access the API using this token.
Restrict the Access Token to a specific Account. (Can be root)
If blank, allows you to use that token to run API commands as the user using that accounts permissions.
Please refer to Permissions to assign or modify permissions assigned to an account.
Access Token Details
Delete Access Token
Remove the selected access token.
Manage Access Token
Modify the selected Access Token Details.
The date/time the token was created.
The access token used to authenticate remote API calls, and a short description. This will only be displayed once when creating the token.
IP Address
The IP of the machine the user will be doing remote API calls from.
The account the API token is restricted to perfoming remote API calls as.
Last Access
The most recent time and IP address from when the token was used.
Backup on Demand
Backup on Demand gives your users the ability to create a point-in-time full account snapshot of their account(s). On-demand backups are useful right before making any changes to a user's site, email, databases, etc. If necessary, they can conveniently roll back to the recent on-demand backup instead of restoring the last scheduled backup.
The following settings control the global Backup on Demand settings.
Backup Job
Choose the backup job to use for backups on demand. The backup job must be enabled to be selected.
Maximum Backups per Account
The global maximum On Demand backups allowed for each account. [Max: 99]
You can adjust Account specific Backup on Demand settings under Manage Account.
How Long Keep Snapshots
Set the amount of days to keep backup on demands on destinatons.
Automatically disable backup on demand in the following cases
JetBackup will disable the option of creating snapshots for Users and Resellers if they meet the conditions specified in this section.
Please Note: The first condition that hits will trigger the disable.
- Disk Space: If an account is greater than or equal to the set Disk Space limit, they will not be able to generate a Backup on Demand.
- Inodes: If an account has more inodes than the set limit, they will not be able to generate a Backup on Demand.
Please ensure your server is able to report Disk Space Usage, and Inodes for each account. For JetBackup 5 Linux users, please see: Disk Usage/Inode Usage N/A on JetBackup 5 for Linux. Panel versions of JetBackup will gather the details from the Panel API.
Click on "+ Create New Notification Integration" to set up your notifications. Under Integration Type, you can select the Notification Plugin you would like to use to send JetBackup alerts. JetBackup comes with the Email Notification Integration installed by default. Below is a sample setup of an Email Integation:
Create New Notification Integration (Email)
Integration Type
The Type of Notification Integration you would like to set up.
Integration Name
Specify a unique identifier for your Notification Integration. This will be used internally for your convenience.
Specify the owner for this Notification Integration. This grants the owner and its parent account(s) permission to modify and delete this Notification Integration.
Alert Levels
Select which alert types (Information/Warning/Critical) and frequency(Real Time/Once a Day) you would like to receive notifications. For more information about alert types, please visit Alerts.
Specify the email address(es) you prefer to send notifications to. Sends to the default server contact e-mail if left blank.
Email Server
Select to either use the Local PHP Mailer or SMTP for JetBackup notification.
SMTP Settings:
SMTP From Email - Reply-to email address.
SMTP Host - SMTP email server hostname.
SMTP Port - SMTP email server port.
SMTP Username - SMTP username.
SMTP Password - SMTP password.
SMTP Secure - SMTP encryption protocol. (None/SSL/TLS)
- Verify SSL - SSL verification on SMTP connection.
SMTP Timeout - Authentication connection timeout in seconds.
Notification Plugins
On top of email notifications, you also have the option to install and activate additional notification plugins to integrate with JetBackup. Click Here for a list of notification plugins available by default and instructions on how to setup each.
Binary Locations
rsync Binary Location
psql Binary Location
pg_dump Binary Location
pg_restore Binary Location
mysql Binary Location
mysqldump Binary Location
mongorestore Binary Location
mongodump Binary Location
tar Binary Location
gzip Binary Location
gunzip Binary Location
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