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Remote SSH (using rsync) is our preferred and recommended destination type. Since it supports all features, you can make the most of it when backing up.
Since we are using some additional Linux based commands besides rsync, this destination must have a “Real” operation system at the other end (Redhat, Centos, Debian etc). When authenticating, JetBackup 5 will attempt to run a sequence of standard Linux Commands on the destination. Please review the common Linux commands and ensure the destination/user fully support these commands. For Example: A “NAS Backup box” with rsync enabled will not be supported.
Please Note: Cloud Storage and Hetzner Storage Boxes are supported SSH destinations.
Additionally, FUSE File Systems are known to have rsync errors that can cause unstable backups to those partitions. Therefore, JetBackup cannot support SSH Destinations to a FUSE File System. S3FS, Google Drive FUSE, and SSHFS are examples of these FUSE File Systems.
This guide shows how to add an SSH backup destination to JetBackup.
First make sure that you have the appropriate SSH destination plugin installed and enabled.
Then create an unprivileged user (using root for the backups is not recommended) on the backup destination server, and add the server & login credentials to JetBackup in the “Add destination” screen.
*SSH Keys are automatically generated by JetBackup and transferred to the destination server.
An example SSH configuration page for the destination:
Destination Name
Specify a unique name for your destination. This will be used internally for your convenience.
Read Only
This option allows you to add the destination as a “Read Only” destination. You can only restore and download existing backups from a read-only destination. Read Only is required if the Backup Directory is already owned by another destination/server. This option is only selectable upon creating the destination and will be automatically enabled for any destinations added during a Disaster Recovery.
Specify the owner for this destination. This grants the owner and its parent account(s) permission to modify and delete this destination. Please note that the owner specified will also need Can Manage Destinations permission granted under the Permissions section.
Free Disk Space Limit
This option checks if the destination’s disk space has reached the specified limit before it executes the backup. When enabled, JetBackup will not perform the backup when the used disk space is over the specified limit. Select from the preset limits or input a custom disk space usage limit.
Backup Directory
This will be our starting point when accessing this destination. There are two ways to get to each directory: Relative and Absolute
Relative path “./” will point to the Absolute path of the SSH/Linux user home directory “/home/USERNAME” Make sure that you always have the right permission to the path you’re using.
Note: The absolute path must be unique and can not be used by two different Destination Configurations. If a backup directory is already owned by another JetBackup Destination, you may create a “Read Only” Destination to that path.
Please make sure that your destination path is secure and has the appropriate privileges. For more information click on How To Secure Backup Storage.
For users using or Hetzner Storage Boxes, the Backup Directory path must be a Relative Path and begin with ./
Otherwise, you may receive an Access Denied error when trying to save the destination.
For Clone Destinations, a Backup Directory is NOT required.
Remote Host
A simple hostname or IP address to access the remote backup server.
Your remote port. Default port is 22.
Remote Username
The remote user to login with. It is recommended to create a dedicated user for backups and not use root user. The user is REQUIRED to have a home directory.
Authentication Type
Private key
The path to the private key
Since we are using rsync for backups, we will need to set up access keys between the servers so that we can log in to the remote server without prompting for a password. If empty, it will automatically be created by JetBackup.
To find a guide for that, please search for ssh without password.
Please visit the following links for specific instructions on how to generate Private keys for or Hetzner Storage Box.
Remote Password
Password for the provided ssh user.
JetBackup will create all necessary keys for remote login on the destination server.
Connection Timeout
Timeout for the connection. The default value is 60 (in seconds), you can increase this if the connection to the remote server is poor and you might face longer timeout issues.
Rsync Bandwidth Limit
This option allows you to specify the maximum data transfer rate.
Rsync Prefer IPv4/IPv6
Choose your preferred IP version.
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