Last modified January 15, 2025

A Guide to Upgrading to JetBackup 5

A step by step guide on how to migrate from JetBackup v5.2 to v5.3.

You will need to install JetBackup v5.2.11 in order to upgrade from JetBackup 4. Please follow the steps to install JetBackup v5.2.11 and then update to v5.3+ once the migration is complete.

Benefits of the new JetBackup Core and Structure

  • Allows the flexibility to support multiple panels and operating systems, and be platform-agnostic
  • More granular control over backups and restores.
  • Ability to restore your account across multiple platforms and control panels.
  • Better backup performance and efficiency improvements.

For a side-by-side comparison between JetBackup 4 and JetBackup 5, please CLICK HERE.

With this in mind, you may install JetBackup 5 alongside your current installation of JetBackup 4 under the same license while you evaluate and transition over to JetBackup 5. This will allow you and your clients to continue utilizing JetBackup 4 while you transition and generate new backups in JetBackup 5.

To assist with upgrading from JetBackup 4 to JetBackup 5, we have created this guide with an accompanying script that walks you through importing all the supported settings and configurations from your JetBackup 4 instance over to JetBackup 5 to help minimize your overhead during your transition period.

Upgrade Preparations and Considerations

Installing JetBackup v5.2.11

Since JetBackup 4 is not compatible with JetBackup 5.3+ and therefore unable to be installed on the same server, you will need to install JetBackup v5.2.11 to start the upgrade process. To do so, you can you use the following command.

# Install JetBackup v5.2.11
yum install jetbackup5-cpanel-5.2.11 jetmongod- --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=jetapps,jetapps-stable


Please review the supported Destination Types for JetBackup 5 to verify that your current JetBackup 4 destination is supported.

  • If your existing destination(s) is supported, you may continue to download and execute the configuration import tool.

  • If and you’ve obtained a supported destination that you want to assign to your backup job(s):

    • Please set up the new destination in the Destinations Section before executing the script so you may assign your new destination to the JetBackup 4 backup job(s) that you'd like to import through the configuration import tool.
  • If you do not have any supported destinations to import or add, the script will also skip importing backup jobs but WILL continue to import your JetBackup 4 Hooks and Supported Settings.

JetBackup 4 Backups

As mentioned previously, JetBackup 4 backups WILL NOT be usable in JetBackup 5. And so new backups will need to be generated once the upgrade is complete.

However, the JetBackup 4 backups can still be used for manual account restores using the cPanel restorepkg script.

Getting Started

To get you started, please go ahead and proceed to install JetBackup 5 on your server. For installation instructions please CLICK HERE.

Once Installed, please navigate to the JetBackup 5 admin interface to go over the JetBackup End User License Agreement(EULA) and select “New Installation” and complete the initial setup.

Next, please execute the following command to download and run the configuration import tool:

cd ~ && wget && unzip && cd jb4-jb5-import-tool-1.6 && sh

All Imported DESTINATIONS, BACKUP JOBS, and HOOKS are DISABLED by default.

Installation Check

The tool first checks and verifies that you have a valid JetBackup 5 Installation.

If you do not have JetBackup 5 installed please follow these instructions to install JetBackup 5 on your server: JetBackup 5 Installation Guide

Importing Destinations

A list of ALL compatible destinations configured in your JetBackup 4 installation will be displayed:

  • Local
  • SSH
  • FTP

If a backup job was assigned to a destination that’s not supported in the current JetBackup 5 version, you will be prompted to reassign the job to a new destination later.

If you do not have any supported Destinations to import, you may continue to import your settings and hooks by selecting "No" on the Import Destinations and Import Backup Jobs steps.

For SSH Destinations, the import tool will automatically install and enable the new JetBackup 5 SSH Destination Plugin. Plugins are required to configure Destinations other than Local in JetBackup 5. For more information on JetBackup 5 Plugins please visit Plugins.

The import tool utilizes the JetBackup 4 private key to re-authenticate your SSH/Rsync.Net destination types. Your existing password/key will not be transferred over. Please note that the destination will be disabled after importing by default to allow you to review additional settings you may want to modify.

Importing Backup Jobs

A list of ALL Backup Jobs configured in your JetBackup 4 installation will be provided. The tool will go through each backup job prompting if you would like to import. For Backup Jobs with a non-compatible destination, the tool will prompt you to select a compatible destination from the imported destinations from the previous step (2). If there are no destinations available, the script will back up, alert you, and skip to the next section (Hooks).

JetBackup 5 also provides new backup options (Database users & FTP Accounts) to choose from and you may be prompted if you would like these items included. If your Backup Job was created as a Full Incremental Job with all options, these will be enabled by default.

Account Filters

The import tool will recreate the Account Filters you have set up in JetBackup 4 and prompt you which Backup Jobs you would like to assign the filter to.

Exclude List

The import tool will automatically import the exclude list configured on the original Backup Job.

Backup Schedules

The import tool will recreate the schedules as specified on the original Backup Job, including the retention and scheduled time. As for the “After backup job” schedule type, the tool checks if the specified backup job for this schedule has already been imported and will provide a warning otherwise.


Supported hooks will be imported but are DISABLED by default as hooks that used parameters passed through the JetBackup 4 Hook/API system may require some refactoring to work with JetBackup 5. Please verify the functionality of your hook script before re-enabling it in JetBackup 5.

Additionally, the available options for each Hook type will be set to Empty by default (Hooks are set to execute on All available options). Please review your hooks and reset your preferred options.

Here is a list of unsupported hook types that won’t be imported:
  • Clone
  • Clone Account
  • Snapshot
  • Daily Cron


The import script will attempt to import all settings to JetBackup 5 when possible. Here are a list of JetBackup settings that will be imported by category.

  • General:

    • Debug Active - Error Reporting - Delete orphan backups older than - Days to keep logs history - Manual Backups Retain - Manual Backups TTL
  • Performance

    • *Concurrent Queued Tasks -> Concurrent Restore/Download Tasks - *Concurrent Scheduled Tasks -> Concurrent Backup Tasks - Limit accounts Downloads - Directory Queue Priority Group - MySQL Dump max allowed packet - MySQL Dump force flag - MySQL Dump opt flag - MySQL Dump skip lock table flag
  • Restore

    • Restore Conditions (only imports content and will apply to all restore types)
  • Notification

    • JetBackup 5 takes advantage of the plugins feature for notifications, including email notifications. It also streamlines notifications into 3 levels:

      • Information alerts, which constitutes notifications for when backups and restores and any background tasks such as reindexing, and plugin updates occur.
      • Warning alerts, for when JetBackup encounters non-fatal issues with JetBackup tasks such as partially completed backups and restores, issues with reaching your destinations or account specific issues.
      • Critical alerts, which notify of any major issues and failures affecting JetBackup such as backups and restore and other critical tasks.
    • There are no more separate options to enable/disable tasks-specific notifications such as backups, restores, downloads, etc.

Post-Upgrade Recommendations

Now that you have your JetBackup 4 Configuration Imported over to JetBackup 5, you may want to start cleaning up backups in JetBackup 4 while you generate new backups in JetBackup 5 to reduce the storage overhead associated with your transition.

To do so, you may simply create an “Exclude All” account filter in JetBackup 4, set it with an Include Filter Condition without specifying any accounts.

Once the filter is created, you may then add the account filter to the backup job that you prefer to decommission. The Backup Job will then begin to clean up the backups for all the excluded accounts each time it runs as it continues to execute per the schedule set on the backup job.

It will take a maximum of one full cycle per the set schedule to completely remove all backups associated with your existing backup job(s). You are able adjust the schedule, but the type (hourly, daily, monthly) MUST be the same as when the backups were generated. If the schedule is removed, the backups there were generated with that schedule type will be cleaned up at 1:00 AM server time.

Uninstalling JetBackup 4

Once you feel you no longer need your JetBackup 4 installation, you may remove the JetBackup 4 package using following command.

yum remove jetbackup-core

This will uninstall only the JetBackup 4 package. You may check to see what packages are installed on your server using the following command:

jetapps --list-installed

Updating from v5.2.11 to v5.3+

After uninstalling JetBackup 4 you are able to update v5.2.11 to v5.3+. To do so, you can use the following command.

jetapps -a