Last modified February 20, 2025



This function will list all Backups given the Backup Type/Backup Contains/Account ID (optional).


This function will list all Accounts with their most recent Backup based on given filters. See below for the filters you may pass.


This function will list the most recent Backup for an account matching the given Backup Type/Contains.


This function will list all Backups for an account matching the given Backup Type/Contains.


This function will list a single Backup for account(s) matching the given Filters.


This function will list all Backup Items that are generated for an Account Backup.


This function will return the specified Backup Item Data.


This function allows you to modify the Backup Lock Status.

Parameter Dictionary

Backup Object

Key Type Description Example
_id String The Backup Object ID. _id: 60b164043c2bb904123c2aa5
parent_id String The Backup ID that encompasses multiple Backup Objects. parent_id: 67aeab2490def077d10e6a05
account_id String The Account ID that the Backup Object was generated for. account_id: 67aea855e6739b9b0e0e6a01
destination String The Destination ID that the Backup Object exists on. destination: 670a93d67c53aad9740173f2
destination_name String The name of the Destination matching the Destination ID. destination_name: Local
name String The name of the Account matching the Account ID. name: Acct1
created ISODate The date the Backup Object was generated. created: 2025-02-14T02:32:04+00:00
path String The path where the Backup Item exists. path: /local
backup_type Integer The Backup Type this object was given. See below for the full list of types. backup_type: 1
backup_contains Integer The Backup Contains value. See below for the full list of contains. backup_contains: 511
account String The name of the Account. account: Acct1
account_data Account Object Data from the Account Object.
size Integer Size of the Backup Object in Bytes. size: 30702
backup_structure Integer The value indicating the Backup Object's Backup Structure. See below for the list of Backup Structures. backup_structure: 1
notes String Notes added to the Backup Object manually.
lock Boolean Value to indicate if the Backup Object is Locked. lock: 1
lock_ttl Integer The number of days a Backup Object will be locked. lock_ttl: 1
damaged Boolean Value to indicate if the Backup Object is corrupted. damaged: 1
schedules List [] List of the Schedule Types that generated this Backup Object.
hidden Boolean Value to indicate if the Backup Object is hidden from the account. hidden: 1
encrypted Boolean Value to indicate if the Backup Object is encrypted. encrypted: 1
encryption_id String ID of the encryption key used for this Backup Object.
encryption_key_required Boolean Value to determine if an encryption key is needed to restore/download the Backup Object.
encryption_key_exists Boolean Value to determine if an encryption key exists for this Backup Object.

Backup Types

Name Value Description
Account 1 Account Backup Type.
Directories 2 Directories Backup Type
JB Config 3 JetBackup Configuration Backup Type

Backup Contains

The Backup Contains are represented as an Integer value evaluated from a binary operation.

For Example:

  • Full Account Backups will have a Backup Contains of 511 which is 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256 (for all available Backup Items) (or 1|2|4|8|16|32|64|128|256 in binary operation).
  • Account Backups with Panel Configurations, Cron Jobs, DNS Zones, will be the value of 49 which is 1+16+32 (or 1|16|32 in binary operation).
Name Value
Panel Config 1
Homedir 2
Databases 4
Emails 8
Cron Jobs 16
DNS Zones 32
SSL Certificates 64
Database Users 128
FTP Accounts 256
Full Account Backup 511

Backup Structure

Name Value Description
Incremental 1 Incremental Backup Structure.
Archived 2 Archived Backup Structure (.tar).
Compressed 4 Compressed Backup Structure (.tar.gz).