Last modified February 20, 2025



This function allows you to create/modify the Schedule Object.


This function lists all Schedule Objects.


This function prints the objects data given its Schedule ID.


This function allows you to delete the object given its Schedule ID.

Parameter Dictionary

Schedule Object

Parameter name Type Description Possible Values Example
_id String The Schedule ID.   _id: 5f8a21545108792bb859b1a3
name String The name assigned to Schedule by user.   name: Daily Schedule
type Integer The type of schedule.
Hourly 1
Daily 2
Weekly 3
Monthly 4
After Backup Done 5
type: 2
type_name String The corresponding name for the schedule type.   type_name: Daily
type_data List[]/Integer/String The Type Data for each type of schedule. Can be list of integers for Daily/Monthly, integer for Hourly/Weekly, or string for AfterBackupJob.    
delay_type Integer The unit for delay. To view all possible types visit Delay Type
Minutes 1
Hours 2
Days 3
delay_amount Integer Amount to delay by. Enter the amount as a positive integer. 0 amount will run the backup job immediately after the assigned job completes.   delay_amount: 0
delay Boolean Value indicating if there is a delay. 1/0  
owner String ID of the owner of the schedule.    
owner_name String Name of the owner    
count Integer Number of jobs schedule is assigned to.    
jobs List [] List of Backup Jobs schedule is assigned to.    

Type Data

Type Name Description Possible Values Examples
Hourly Can only assign one value for Hourly Schedules.
Every 1 Hour 1
Every 2 Hours 2
Every 3 Hours 3
Every 4 Hours 4
Every 6 Hours 6
Every 8 Hours 8
Every 12 Hours 12
type_data=4 sets the schedule to run every 4 hours.
Daily Can assign multiple values for Daily Schedules.
Sunday 1
Monday 2
Tuesday 3
Wednesday 4
Thursday 5
Friday 6
Saturday 7
type_data[0]=1&type_data[1]=5 sets the schedule to run every Sunday and Thursday.
Weekly Can only assign one value for Weekly Schedules.
Sunday 1
Monday 2
Tuesday 3
Wednesday 4
Thursday 5
Friday 6
Saturday 7
type_data=3 sets the schedule to run every week on Tuesday.
Monthly Can assign multiple values for Monthly Schedules.
1st of the Month 1
7th of the Month 7
14th of the Month 14
21st of the Month 21
28th of the Month 28
type_data[0]=1&type_data[1]=21 sets the schedule to run every 1st and 21st of the Month.
After Backup Done Can only assign one Backup Job for After BackupJob Done Schedules. Have to assign the Delay Type as well. Backup Job ID type_data=5fd44aebb0d87e31a47cfed2 sets the schedule to run after the Backup Job 5fd44aebb0d87e31a47cfed2 completes.