WARNING: JetBackup 4 is set to reach its End-of-Life (EOL) on July 1st, 2024. For More Information, please visit: JetBackup 4 EOL Announcement.
NOTICE: JetBackup 5 is now available in the Stable Tier. For more information, please visit our Jetbackup 5 Documentation.

Translation / Language files

JetBackup supports multiple languages. You can localize and translate our language files for your own language.

Language files are located here -




The "en" folder contains the default english language files for JetBackup, each file corresponding to each section in the JetBackup WHM interface. You may then copy the contents inside the English folder to the "/override/xx" folder and renaming "xx" with your preferred language code (for a list of language codes, please visit: Language Codes).

You may create the override folder if it doesn't exist.

Once you have your override folder set up, you may start translating each section in your language folder.

For all WHM sections available for translation, please check the following directory: /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/templates/jetbackup/app/lang/en

For example, to translate the dashboard interface to Spanish:

1. Create the "es" folder inside the "override" folder (/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/templates/jetbackup/app/lang/override/es/)
2. Copy /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/templates/jetbackup/app/lang/en/dashboard.json to /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/templates/jetbackup/app/lang/override/es/dashboard.json
3. Edit the override/es/dashboard.json file and begin translating:
   "Total Accounts" : "Cuentas Totales",
   "Total Jobs" : "Trabajos Totales",
   "Total Backups" : "Copias de Seguridad Totales",
   "Jobs Running" : "Trabajos en Ejecución",
   "New Alerts" : "Nuevas Alertas",
   "Total Accounts Usage (%s)" : "Uso Total de Cuentas (%s)"

Translation Example


You can change the date format showing on the WHM GUI. To view the available format click on https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/

date: {
            /** See the moment date format documentation: https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/ **/
            short: "D MMM YYYY",
            shorttime: "D MMM YYYY hh:mm A",
            long: "ddd, MMM D, YYYY",
            longtime: "ddd, MMM D, YYYY, hh:mm A"



Unlike in the WHM interface, JetBackup uses a single common.json file for translation within JetBackup's cPanel Plugin interface. You may then copy this file inside the English folder to the folder with your preferred language code and begin translating.

For example:

copy /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/jetbackup/app/lang/en/common.json to /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/paper_lantern/jetbackup/app/lang/xx/common.js (xx is your language code)

cPanel Main Menu Page

As for translating the JetBackup menu on the cPanel main menu page, you would require to modify cPanel's locale file corresponding to your locale country code.

For more information on modifying cPanel's locale files, please visit their official documentation here.

For example, to translate the JetBackup menu to Spanish:

  1. Create a locale xx.xlf file with the following format below (xx is your language code, for this example es):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:cp="tag:cpanel.net,2012-01:translate">
  <file datatype="plaintext" original="cPanel Locale Export" source-language="en" target-language="es">
   <trans-unit datatype="plaintext" id="JetBackup">
      <target cp:meta-note="cPanel Locale Export">JetBackup</target>
   <trans-unit datatype="plaintext" id="Full Account Backups">
      <source>Full Account Backups</source>
      <target cp:meta-note="cPanel Locale Export">Copias de seguridad completas de la cuenta</target>
   <trans-unit datatype="plaintext" id="File Backups">
      <source>File Backups</source>
      <target cp:meta-note="cPanel Locale Export">Copias de seguridad de archivos</target>
   <trans-unit datatype="plaintext" id="Cron Job Backups">
      <source>Cron Job Backups</source>
      <target cp:meta-note="cPanel Locale Export">Copias de seguridad de trabajo Cron</target>
   <trans-unit datatype="plaintext" id="DNS Zone Backups">
      <source>DNS Zone Backups</source>
      <target cp:meta-note="cPanel Locale Export">Copias de seguridad de zona DNS</target>
   <trans-unit datatype="plaintext" id="Database Backups">
      <source>Database Backups</source>
      <target cp:meta-note="cPanel Locale Export">Copias de seguridad de bases de datos</target>
   <trans-unit datatype="plaintext" id="Email Backups">
      <source>Email Backups</source>
      <target cp:meta-note="cPanel Locale Export">Copias de seguridad de correo electrónico</target>
   <trans-unit datatype="plaintext" id="Queue">
      <target cp:meta-note="cPanel Locale Export">Cola</target>
   <trans-unit datatype="plaintext" id="Snapshots">
      <target cp:meta-note="cPanel Locale Export">Instantáneas</target>
   <trans-unit datatype="plaintext" id="GDPR Compliance">
      <source>GDPR Compliance</source>
      <target cp:meta-note="cPanel Locale Export">Cumplimiento de GDPR</target>
   <trans-unit datatype="plaintext" id="tu-1">
      <target cp:meta-note="cPanel Locale Export">Configuraciones</target>
  1. Go to WHM > Home > Locale > Locale XML Upload, click on choose file, select the xlf file you've just created (es.xlf) and click Upload

    You may also manually import your custom locale xlf file via the CLI by executing the following commands:

    /scripts/locale_import --locale=es --import=es.xlf

cpanel menu translation

WHM/cPanel translation structure

The translation structure is 'key':'value', change the value to your own translation.
For example: "AND": "AND", in French the translation will be: 'AND':'et'