WARNING: JetBackup 4 is set to reach its End-of-Life (EOL) on July 1st, 2024. For More Information, please visit: JetBackup 4 EOL Announcement.
NOTICE: JetBackup 5 is now available in the Stable Tier. For more information, please visit our Jetbackup 5 Documentation.

ZFS Mounting Options - Case Modes

ZFS can be mounted in 3 case modes - case-sensitive, case-insensitive and mixed.

When backing up from Linux servers(case-sensitive file system), make sure that the casesensitivity for the destination ZFS is also set to case-sensitive.

Please visit the following link for more information regarding the casesensitivity property on ZFS: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19120-01/open.solaris/817-2271/gftgr/index.html