WARNING: JetBackup 4 is set to reach its End-of-Life (EOL) on July 1st, 2024. For More Information, please visit: JetBackup 4 EOL Announcement.
NOTICE: JetBackup 5 is now available in the Stable Tier. For more information, please visit our Jetbackup 5 Documentation.


General Settings

Debug Active

Enable JetBackup to generate more detailed logs which includes additional informative data and PHP errors.

Error Reporting

When enabled, JetBackup will silently send error reports (email) to JetApps support team. By setting this to "YES", you are helping us find bugs and improve JetBackup.

Generate root Master Private Key

Generate a new JetBackup root master key when a key does not already exist.

Disconnect JetBackup from MC

Disconnect JetBackup from your JetBackup Management Console. For information on how to connect your JetBackup server to JetBackup Management Console, please visit Add New Server.

Workspace Directory

Specify the directory that JetBackup will use to store all the temporary files. [ default: /usr/local/jetapps/usr/jetbackup/workspace ]
To prevent issues with the system performance, we recommend moving the original folder to the new destination instead of creating a new directory.
Note: The workspace requires a minimum of 200MB available for Restores/Downloads.

Download Directory

Specify the directory that JetBackup will use to store all file and/or directory downloads associated to any cPanel accounts. [ default: /usr/local/jetapps/usr/jetbackup/downloads ]
To prevent issues with system performance, we recommend creating a new directory in the destination and to NOT move the original folder.

Kill zombie process id's

Specify the number of days JetBackup processes can run before JetBackup considers it a zombie process and subsequently terminate. [ default: 7 days ]

Delete orphan backups older than

Orphan backups are account backup files that are not associated with any active cPanel account.
JetBackup will automatically remove these backups if they are older than the number of days specified in this field. [ default: 14 days ]

Days to keep logs history

Specify the number of days JetBackup will keep logs. [ default: 30 days ]

Manually Backups Retain

Specify how many copies of backups generated from manually executing a backup job JetBackup will keep. [ default: 14 backups ]

Manually Backups TTL

Set the number of days JetBackup will keep manually generated backups. [ default: 7 days ]

API Notification System

JetBackup can send notification alerts on each action it performs over the specified valid URL. For more information, please visit: API Notification System.

Fail account download if package disk exceeded

Stop the backup download process if there is not enough free disk space associated to the account's disk quota/package.