Restore & Download

In this section, you can view, restore, download, lock, and unlock Account Backups and Directory Backups generated from your Backup Jobs. If you would like to backup specific items for a single account, please visit Account View Backups. Restore & Download

Single Account

The Single Account tab on the Restore and Download page will allow the customization of specific Backup Items to restore and download. Selecting an account will embed the Account View Backups Page for that account.

Single Account Tab

Multiple Accounts

The Multi Account tab on the Restore and Download page allows actions to be made on multiple Account Backups at once.

Use the Status column on the right to include/exclude specific accounts from the final action. Quickly exlude all accounts using the Exclude All Button at the top of the column.


  • The account backup must contain the Panel Config Backup Item to be listed for Multi Account Restore & Download.
  • In JetBackup 5, there are 2 underlying priority systems at work which allows you to control how JetBackup prioritizes backups, restores & downloads. Both of which works so that the lower the value, the higher its priority on the queue. For more Information regarding JetBackup 5's priority systems, please CLICK HERE.

Multi Account Tab

Action Pane

Action Pane

Select Action

  • Restore - Restore selected backups and are added to the Queue.
  • Download - Download selected backups and are added to the Queue, then stored in Downloads.
  • Lock Backups - Lock selected backups to exclude on each associated backup job rotation.
  • Unlock Backups - Unlock selected backups to include on each associated backup job rotation.


Filter Account Backups by:

  • Accounts - Select which accounts to execute the selected action. (Note: Only lists accounts on the server)
  • Account Status - Filter accounts by the account status (Any/Active/Orphan).
  • Lock Backups - Select to lock either a specific backup or all backups associated to the filtered accounts.
  • Unlock Backups - Select to unlock either a specific backup or all backups associated to the filtered accounts.

Show More Filters:

  • Backup Date Range - Choose the range of dates when the backups were generated.
  • Backup Date Sorting - Sort between the oldest or newest backups from the specified date range.
  • Destination - Filter backups by the destination they are stored in.
  • Owned By - Filter backups by the account owner.
  • Account Suspended - Filter backups by account suspension status.
  • Backup Lock - Filter backups by whether its locked/unlocked.
  • Backup Encryption - Filter backups by whether its encrypted/unencrypted.
  • Backup Structure - Filter backups by structure.
  • Backup Contains - Filter backups by the content available.

Action Specific Options


Multiple Restore Option

What to Restore

Restore selected account backup items. Available Items:

  • Panel Configurations (Required)
  • Home directory Files
  • Databases *
  • Database Users *
  • Email Accounts
  • FTP Accounts
  • Cron Jobs
  • DNS Zones
  • SSL Certificates

* NOTE: When selecting a Database for restore or download without selecting Database Users, ONLY the selected database(s) will be included. If you're performing a "Databases" restore or download from the Databases (DB) Tab, please ensure the proper Database Users (DB Users) assigned to that Database are also selected BEFORE proceeding with the restore or download.

Restore Options:
  • Terminate account before restore (Only for non reseller accounts)
  • Merge live account data with backup data
This option will merge your backup data with the existing data on your account. Live data takes precedence over the restored data.
  • Suspend account after restore
Restore Conditions:
Conditions specified under the Restore Settings that would need to be accepted in order to proceed with the restoration.


What to Download

Download selected account backup items. Available Items:

  • Panel Configurations (Required)
  • Home directory Files
  • Databases *
  • Database Users *
  • Email Accounts
  • FTP Accounts
  • Cron Jobs
  • DNS Zones
  • SSL Certificates

* NOTE: When selecting a Database for restore or download without selecting Database Users, ONLY the selected database(s) will be included. If you're performing a "Databases" restore or download from the Databases (DB) Tab, please ensure the proper Database Users (DB Users) assigned to that Database are also selected BEFORE proceeding with the restore or download.

Lock Backups

multiple lock options

Lock Time
The lock days number. insert 0 to unlimited time.
This snapshot will be unlocked automatically after the X days.

Unlock Backups

Reinstate the selected backup back into the Backup Job rotation it is associated with.


Directory Backup Tab

In the directories tab, you can view and restore and download all generated directory backups.

Search Filters for Directory Backups

Filter Directory Backups by:

  • Find Directory Searchbox - Search directory backups by directory name.

Restore Directory Backups

JetBackup adds a restore directory backup task to the Queue.

To guarantee the safety and integrity of your system, the Files and/or Directories selected will be restored with a temporary file/directory name at its original location.

For example, when restoring /etc folder, JetBackup will restore it at /etc.jetbackup.xxxx

YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for completing the restoration process manually.

Please take necessary precautions before restoring core system files and/or directories to avoid any unintended issues with your server.

Files/Folders will be restored with their original Ownership/Permissions EXCEPT for the Parent Directory. For the Parent Directory, the default owner will be root and default permissions will be 0700.

Download Directory Backups

JetBackup adds a download directory backup task to the Queue. Generated downloads will be stored in the configured Download Directory.

Add Notes to Directory Backup

Double click to add a note for the backup.

Additional Information

JetBackup Priority Systems

In JetBackup 5, there are 2 underlying priority systems at work which allows you to control how JetBackup prioritizes backups, restores & downloads. Both of which works so that the lower the value, the higher its priority on the queue. For more Information regarding JetBackup 5's priority systems, please CLICK HERE.

Priority Systems

Restoring Packages

During a restore, JetBackup determines which package to assign to the account (Currently assgined [Live] or Backed up) based on the Restore package selection setting. If the package does not exist on the server, then JetBackup will create the package in order to assign it to the account.