Last modified February 11, 2025


This function allows you to create/modify the Account Filter Object.
Parameter name Type Description Possible Values Example
action String REQUIRED on both create/modify. The action you want to perform modify/create action=create
type Integer REQUIRED on action create. The integer value for Account Filter Type. Visit Account Filter Types below for all possible values. type=2
name String REQUIRED on action create. The name given to your Account Filter for internal use. N/A name=Account Filter 1
condition Boolean REQUIRED on action create. The Boolean value to include or exclude chosen fields. 1/2 (include/exclude) condition=1
list List [] REQUIRED on action create. List of Account Usernames for Account Filter. Visit listAccounts to find usernames of your accounts. list[0]=acct1&list[1]=acct2
_id String REQUIRED on action modify. Account Filter ID is used for when you want to modify any of the Account Filter Object Fields. N/A _id=5f864533cde674169f42ffe2
owner String The Account Filter Owner's ID N/A owner=670a937d1b620f5bbb0329a2
usage Integer The Usage Limit for the Filter Type specific parameter assigned to the Account Filter. (Only for Filter Types 16 | 32)
Type 16 Disk Usage Limit in Bytes
Type 32 Inode Usage Limit
range_start String The starting character for the range you want to filter by. (Only for Filter Type 128) 0-9_a-z range_start=0
range_end String The ending character for the range you want to filter by. (Only for Filter Type 128) 0-9_a-z range_end=z

Example Call JETAPI

jetbackup5api -F manageAccountFilter -D \ "action=create&\ type=2&\ name={$FILTER_NAME}&\ condition=1&\ list[0]={$ACCOUNT_NAME}&\ list[1]={$ACCOUNT_NAME}"
success: 1 message: Account Filter Created Successfully system: version: 5.3.3 version_panel: 5.3.3 tier: EDGE type: cPanel retry_ms: 0 disableui: dr: agreement_panel: agreement: licenseIssue: data: _id: 650b6ee8d8c76d2a42271352 group_id: 650b6ee8d8c76d2a42271353 type: 2 name: Account Filter 1 owner: 64f37d695aa01f55661b38f2 owner_name: root count: 0 condition: 1 list: 0: user

Example Call HTTP Filter 1&condition=1&list[0]=acct1&list[1]=acct2