Last modified February 5, 2025


This function allows you to create/modify the Schedule Object.
Parameter name Type Description Possible Values Example
action String REQUIRED on both create/modify. The action you want to perform.
  • modify
  • create
_id String REQUIRED on action modify. The ID of the schedule _id=5f890a19e55cf262863522f2
name String REQUIRED on action create. The Name of the schedule name=hourly schedule
type Integer REQUIRED on action create. The integer value for Schedule Type.
Hourly 1
Daily 2
Weekly 3
Monthly 4
After Backup Done 5
type_data[]* List REQUIRED on action create. For Schedule Types: Daily, Monthly Visit Type Data below for all possible values. type_data[0]=1&type_data[1]=2&...
type_data Integer REQUIRED on action create. For Schedule Types: Hourly, Weekly Visit Type Data below for all possible values. type_data=1
type_data String REQUIRED on action create. For Schedule Types: After Backup Job ID of the Backup Job you want to follow type_data=5f864533cde674169f42ffe2
delay_amount Integer Amount to delay by. Enter the amount as a positive integer. 0 amount will run the backup job immediately after the assigned job completes. delay_amount=0
delay_type String The Delay type for the schedule. Only for After Backup/Clone Jobs Done.
Minutes 1
Hours 2
Days 3

Example Call JETAPI

jetbackup5api -F manageSchedule -D "action=create&name={$NAME}&jobs[0]={$BACKUP_JOB_ID}&type=2&type_data[0]=1&type_data[1]=2&type_data[2]=3&type_data[3]=4&type_data[4]=5&type_data[5]=6&type_data[6]=7"
success: 1 message: Schedule Created Successfully system: version: 5.3.3 version_panel: 5.3.3 tier: EDGE type: cPanel retry_ms: 0 disableui: dr: agreement_panel: agreement: licenseIssue: data: _id: 6505f00dea8aa76f3c0fe4a2 name: Daily 30 Retain type: 2 type_name: Daily type_data: 0: 1 1: 2 2: 3 3: 4 4: 5 5: 6 6: 7 delay_type: 1 delay_amount: 0 delay: 0 owner: 6503d48bfc45b1addf0a9632 owner_name: root count: 0 jobs:

Example Call HTTP{$NAME}&jobs[0]={$BACKUP_JOB_ID}&type=2&type_data[0]=1&type_data[1]=2&type_data[2]=3&type_data[3]=4&type_data[4]=5&type_data[5]=6&type_data[6]=7