This function returns a list of installed Plugins.
This function returns a list of installed Plugins.
This function returns a list of available Plugin packages from Repositories.
This function returns a list of available Repositories.
This function lets you manage Repositories.
This function deletes Repositories.
This function returns the Plugin details.
This function lets you manage and enable Plugins.
This function allows you to install a Plugin given its package id or zip file.
This function allows you to uninstall the Plugin given it’s Plugin ID.
This function manually updates an installed plugin.
This function returns a list of compressed plugin files that are downloaded and available to install.
This function enables or disables the Imunify360 Security Plugin. If no data is passed to the manageSecurityPlugin API call, the plugin is disabled.
Parameter name | Type | Description | Examples |
_id | String | ID of the Plugin. | _id: 60903b9f6913fc54281a01 |
code | String | Short name for the Plugin. | code: S3 |
name | String | The name of the Plugin. | name: S3 Compatible |
description | String | Description of the Plugin. | description: Generic S3 compatible destination |
icon | String | Icon data. | |
type | String | Type of Plugin | type: security, notification |
version | Integer | Plugin release version. | version: 1.0.0 |
author | String | Author of the Plugin | author: JetApps |
experimental | Boolean | True if plugin is experimental. | experimental: 1 |
repo | string | Repository ID | repo: 608b1c707cf97c14601472e2 |
repo_name | String | Repository Name | repo_name: JetApps Repository |
package_md5sum | String | md5 checksum for the plugin package. | package_md5sum: 88cccac198f703042502797781b |
package_url | String | Package Zip File | package_url: |
created | String | Date-Time the Plugin was fetched from the Repo. | created: 2021-05-07T18:40:48+00:00 |
plugin | List [] | A list of corresponding data associated with an installed Plugin Ojbect. |
plugin_id | String | ID of the Plugin in JetBackup. | plugin_id: 60903b9f6913fc54281a01f2 |
installed | Boolean | True if plugin is installed. | installed: 1 |
installable | Boolean | True if plugin can be installed. | installabled: 1 |
disabled | Boolean | True if plugin is disabled. | disabled: 0 |
options | List [] | Array of Plugin options or settings. | |
available_package | Boolean | True if plugin is disabled. | available_package: 0 |
Option Name | Description | Plugin(s) | Examples |
recipients | Email addresses that the notifications will be sent to | options[recipients], |
smtp | Select the Email Server (Local PHP Mailer/SMTP). |
smtp_from | Reply-to email address. [Required for SMTP Email Server] | options[smtp_from] |
smtp_host | SMTP email server hostname. [Required for SMTP Email Server] | options[smtp_host] |
smtp_port | SMTP email server port. [Required for SMTP Email Server] | options[smtp_port]=25 |
smtp_username | SMTP username. [Required for SMTP Email Server] | options[smtp_username] |
smtp_password | SMTP password. [Required for SMTP Email Server] | options[smtp_password]=examplePass |
smtp_secure | SMTP encryption protocol (None/SSL/TLS). [Required for SMTP Email Server] |
smtp_verifyssl | SSL verification on SMTP connection (Yes/No). [Required for SMTP Encryption Protocol SSL/TLS] |
smtp_timeout | Authentication connection timeout in seconds. [Required for SMTP Email Server] | options[smtp_timeout]=15 |
teams_id | Group ID. | Microsoft Teams | options[teams_id]=1a2b3c4d-78e9-123d-abc135def123 |
client_id | Client ID. | Microsoft Teams | options[client_id]=1a2b3c4d-78e9-123d-abc135def123 |
client_secret | Client secret | Microsoft Teams | options[client_secret]=1a2b3c4d-78e9-123d-abc135def123 |
tenant_id | Tenand ID | Microsoft Teams | options[tenant_id]=1a2b3c4d-78e9-123d-abc135def123 |
authorization_code | Authorization code | Microsoft Teams | options[authorization_code]
VzCTE9UkP3pSx1aXxUjq3n8b2JRLk4OxVXr |
channel_name | Name of channel to receive notifications on. | Microsoft Teams | options[channel_name]=JetBackup |
channel_selection | Select channel by Channel Name/Channel ID | Slack |
channel_id | ID of Channel to receive notifications. | Slack | options[channel_id]=ABC123DEF45 |
channel | Name of channel to receive notifications on. | Slack | options[channel]=JetBackup |
token | Bot User OAuth access token/Bot Token |
options[token]=abcd-234052363731-5439195628753-ii4q6IG7hdjN7k43K9OtqfzL |
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