Last modified February 20, 2025



This function lets you manage the Destinations settings.


This function returns destination by id.


This function returns a list of destinations.


This function returns a list of all supported Destination Types.


This function validates the Destination given a Destination ID.


This function deletes a Destination given the Destination ID.


This function resyncs the data from the Destination to JetBackup given the Destination ID.


This function allows you to execute an Integrity Check manually on demand.

Parameter Dictionary

Destination Object

Parameter name Type Description Possible Values Example
_id String The Destination ID.   _id: 5f8a21545108792bb859b1a3
name String The name assigned to Destination by user.   name: Local Destination
owner String ID of the Destination's owner.   owner: 6070a5a3fae2cf5881160c03
owner_name String Name of the owner matching the owner ID.   owner_name: root
type String The type of Destination. For a list of Supported Destination Types visit Destination Overview type: Local
job_type Integer The Job Type the Destination will be used for.
  • Backup - 1
  • Clones - 2
job_type: 2
count Integer The number of backup jobs this destination is assigned.   count: 4
hidden Boolean Value indicating if the backups on this destination are hidden from users.
True 1
False 0/null
hidden: 1
readonly Boolean Value indicating if the backups on this destination are hidden from users.
True 1
False 0/null
readonly: 1
disabled Boolean Value indicating if the backups on this destination are hidden from users.
True 1
False 0/null
disabled: 1
disk_limit Integer Value indicating the percentage disk limit for Destination. 0 - 100 disk_limit: 95
disk_usage Object Object containing the three integer values for Usage/Free/Total in Bytes.
  • Usage
  • Free
  • Total
update_date String Date indicating the last time disk_usage was updated. YYYY-DD-MMTHH:MM:SS update_date: 2021-08-05T19:45:36+00:00
dr Boolean Value indicating if the Destination is enabled for Export JB Config Backups.
True 1
False 0/null
dr: 1
reindex Boolean Value indicating if the Destination is currently reindexing.
True 1
False 0/null
reindex: 1
options Object Unique fields depending on the Destination Type. For a look at options see Options below.  

Destination Options

Option Name Description Destination Type(s) Example
path REQUIRED on action create. Absolute path for the desired backup directory. Local, Localv2, SSH, S3, FTP, SFTP, Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive options[path]=/backups
host REQUIRED on action create. Hostname/IP of the Destination server. SSH, Clones, FTP, SFTP options[host]=
port REQUIRED on action create. Specify the Port to connect to the destination server. SSH, Clones, FTP, SFTP options[port]=22
username REQUIRED on action create. Specify the login username. SSH, FTP, SFTP options[username]=jetbackupuser
password REQUIRED on action create. Specify the login password. SSH, Clones, FTP, SFTP options[password]=
privatekey Path to the SSH Private Key if enabled. SSH, Clones, SFTP options[privatekey]=/root/.ssh/id_rsa
passphrase The SSH Private Key passphrase. Only supported for SFTP SFTP options[passphrase]=password
timeout Number of seconds before rsync timeout. SSH, Clones, FTP, SFTP options[timeout]=30
prefer_ip The prefered IP route (IPv4, IPv6). Leave blank to choose automatically. FTP options[prefer_ip]=4 (IPv4)
rsyncpreferip The rsync prefered IP route (IPv4, IPv6). Leave blank to choose automatically. SSH, Clones options[rsyncpreferip]=4 (IPv4)
rsyncbwlimit The bandwidth limit set for the rsync process. Local, SSH, Clones options[rsyncbwlimit]=102400
internalprivatekey The private key created by jetbackup after initial authorization. SSH, Clones N/A
access_code REQUIRED on action create. The Access code generated for your Google Drive account. Google Drive options[access_code]=
authorization_code REQUIRED on action create. The Access code generated for your OneDrive account. OneDrive options[authorization_code]=
code REQUIRED on action create. The Access code generated for your Dropbox account. Dropbox options[code]=
access_key REQUIRED on action create. The Access Key generated for your S3 Bucket. S3 options[access_key]=
secret_key REQUIRED on action create. The Secret Key generated for your S3 Bucket. S3 options[secret_key]=
bucket REQUIRED on action create. The name of your S3 Bucket. S3 options[bucket]=server1
endpoint REQUIRED on action create. The endpoint url for your S3 Bucket. S3 options[endpoint]=s3.{region}
region The S3 Region of your S3 Bucket S3 options[region]=us-west-1
verifyssl Boolean value to enable/disable SSL. S3 options[verifyssl]=1
retries The number of HTTP Retries to allow (max 10). S3, FTP, SFTP, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive options[retries]=3
chunk_size Multipart upload chunk size. Minimum 1024MB and Maximum 5120MB. S3 options[chunk_size]=1024
keepalive_timeout The time in seconds, that the host will allow an idle connection to rcodeain open before it is closed. [ 0 to disable ] S3 options[keepalive_timeout]=60
keepalive_requests The maximum number of requests that can be sent on a single connection before closing it. [ Enter 0 to let rcodeote vendor determine number of keepalive requests. ] S3 options[keepalive_requests]=100
secure Boolean value to enable/disable Secure SSL-FTP Connection FTP options[secure]=1
passive Boolean value to enable/disable FTP passive mode. FTP options[passive]=1