NOTICE: JetBackup WHMCS Module has reached End of Life (EoL) on March 1st, 2021.

WHMCS version 8 now offers native support for JetBackup backup services. For a Step-by-Step Guide, please visit Integrating JetBackup with WHMCS 8+


Inside our settings page, you will be able to determine your backup size calculation type and to set an automated signature (will be used inside tickets and automated emails).

Backup Size Type

Total Sum Of Retained Backup

Using this feature will ignore hard-links when calculating backup snaps size. Each snap will be calculated as a unique backup. Given that you are using incremental backups - An account with 1GB, with 10 snaps will probably consume 13 GB of disk space inside your backup destination (10GB Source + 30% incremental changes). Using "Total sum" will count 10 snaps as 100GB (10GB per snap X 10 SNAPS).

Average backup size:

Choose this option to charge your clients for the average received disk amount (Summaries all backups divided by the backups number). For example, An account with 10GB & 10 SNAPS will be calculated as 10GB (10GB X 10 SNAPS / 100).


Create a custom signature here, it will be used in our ticket templates.