Last modified October 31, 2024
With this function, you can create/manage Job Optimizers.
Parameter name | Type | Description | Possible values | Example |
_id | String | Required on action modify The ID of the job optimizer. | _id=5ccbc48d9dc6d62a913c66bf |
action | String | Required The action you want to perform. |
action=create |
name | String | Required on action create Job Optimizer name. | name=JBOptimizer |
window_start | Integer | Required on action create Indicates the time the Job Optimizer will start running jobs(in minutes). | window_start=5 |
window_end | Integer | Required on action create Indicates the time the Job Optimizer will stop running jobs(in minutes). | window_end=10 |
tags[] | List | List of Tag IDs used to group server(s)/optimizer(s). | tags[]="5cd397fc17ba5954375fa0f7"&tags[]="5cd3a5bb17ba59543879c7fb" |
disabled | Boolean | Whether to disable the job optimizer. |
disabled=0 |
This API call returns Job Optimizer objects.
To view the parameters that returned click on Optimizer Object.
jetapi backupmc -F manageOptimizer -D 'action=create&name=JBOptimizer&window_start=100&window_end=500'
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