Queue Object

Parameter name Type Description Possible Values Example
_id String The ID of the queue.   5cd4b2dfdd2efd0ca15aa548
server_id String The ID of the server.   5b30da08d5ac5e06897b47e2
created Integer The time the queue was added.   2019-05-10T02:32:26+00:00
status Integer The process status.
  • 1 - Pending
  • 2 - Processing
  • 100 - Completed
  • 101 - Cancelled
  • 102 - Failed
status_message String Detailed description of the queued item.    
details Job Object To view the parameters that returned click on Job Details Object   job_id: 5cccb6b99dc6d637d45a48e4 time: 1510
type Integer The type of the Queue.
  • 1 - Install JetBackup
  • 2 - Register JetBackup MC
  • 3 - Update JetBackup
  • 4 - Optimizer