Log Object

Parameter name Type Description Possible values Example
_id String The ID of the log.   5ccad49e9dc6d62a8e59af83
type Integer The log type.
  • Backup - 1
  • Download - 2
  • Restore - 3
  • Snapshots - 4
  • System - 5
  • Clone - 6
  • Push Notification - 7
  • Hook - 8
type_name String The log description type.
  • Backup - 1
  • Download - 2
  • Restore - 3
  • Snapshots - 4
  • System - 5
  • Clone - 6
  • Push Notification - 7
  • Hook - 8
log_type Integer Subtype for the log type.
  • Backups Index - 1
  • cPanel Hook - Post Accounts::create - 2
  • cPanel Hook - Post Accounts::suspendacct - 3
  • cPanel Hook - Post Accounts::unsuspendacct - 4
  • cPanel Hook - Post Accounts::modify - 5
  • cPanel Hook - Post Accounts::remove - 6
  • Daily - 7
  • cPanel Hook - Pre upcp - 8
  • cPanel Hook - Post upcp - 9
  • Migration - 10
  • DR Config - 11
log_type_name String Subtype description for the log type.
  • Backups Index - 1
  • cPanel Hook - Post Accounts::create - 2
  • cPanel Hook - Post Accounts::suspendacct - 3
  • cPanel Hook - Post Accounts::unsuspendacct - 4
  • cPanel Hook - Post Accounts::modify - 5
  • cPanel Hook - Post Accounts::remove - 6
  • Daily - 7
  • cPanel Hook - Pre upcp - 8
  • cPanel Hook - Post upcp - 9
  • Migration - 10
  • DR Config - 11
pid Integer The process id.   32317
log_file String The path to the log file.    
status Integer The process progress status.
  • Completed - 1
  • Failed - 2
  • Aborted - 3
  • Partially completed - 4
  • Never Finished - 5
  • Processing - 6
status_name String The description of the process progress status.
  • Completed - 1
  • Failed - 2
  • Aborted - 3
  • Partially completed - 4
  • Never Finished - 5
  • Processing - 6
start_time String The process start time.   2018-07-30T22:15:02+00:00
end_time String The process end time.   2018-07-30T22:15:03+00:00
info Object Additional information about the log.   {"name":"Local","id":"5b28fa5fd5ac5e5ff62760b2"}