WARNING: JetBackup 4 is set to reach its End-of-Life (EOL) on July 1st, 2024. For More Information, please visit: JetBackup 4 EOL Announcement.
NOTICE: JetBackup 5 is now available in the Stable Tier. For more information, please visit our Jetbackup 5 Documentation.

Excluding Files and Directories Per Individual Accounts

Exclude files and/or directories for specific account(s) per backup job, will not backup those files/directories for the account in a specific backup job.

In order to exclude directories/files for specific user, create new file USERNAME_JOBID.exclude in the path below:

For JetBackup 4.0 and above:


The file name should be in this pattern:

  • USERNAME is the name of the user that you want the files to be exclude from.
  • JOBID the backup job id that you want the files to be exclude from.

Visit Exclude Files and Directories for syntax examples.