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In this section, you can view and execute actions on account backups and manage JetBackup settings for each account(s) you have ownership of on the server.
IMPORTANT! For standalone Linux servers, account UIDs/GIDs must be 1000 and up. UIDs/GIDs below 1000 are reserved for system accounts, services, and other special accounts. Find out more information here: User account management with UIDs and GIDs
Interworx resellers are virtual users, so they are not listed under the Accounts page.
Account Settings
Click on the preferred account on the Accounts Page to expand and view the available account specific options.
Manage Account
Click on the Manage Account button to modify account specific settings.
Email Address
Specify the email address that JetBackup notifications for the account will be sent to.
Max On Demand Backups
Set the maximum number of on-demand backups allowed to created for this account or use the global settings. [Max: 99]
Reset Encryption Key
Delete the account’s encryption key used for their backups. This option is only available when Remote Encryption Key is selected for the account’s encrypted backups.
IMPORTANT! Once you reset the account encryption key, ALL existing encrypted backups for the account will be inaccessible and subsequently deleted.
Account Queue Priority Group Override
The priority group you assign will position this account in its respective place in the queue. [Example: “High” will put account in the front of the queue. “Low” will put account in the back of the queue.]
Visit Queue Priority Groups to create and modify your priority group settings.
In JetBackup 5, there are 2 underlying priority systems at work which allows you to control how JetBackup prioritizes backups, restores & downloads. Both of which works so that the lower the value, the higher its priority on the queue. For more Information regarding JetBackup 5’s priority systems, please CLICK HERE.
Account Backup Jobs Excludes
This option allows you to specify files/folders to be excluded from a particular account. Please note that paths specified are relative to the account’s home directory (/home/{USER}
). The format should be in the Glob Pattern.
This method can only be used to exclude files within an account’s home directory backup item. Please note that data like Emails, SSL Certificates, etc.. are processed into its own separate backup item(s) and cant be excluded using this method. To view a full list of backup items, as well as how to include/exclude them, please CLICK HERE.
Create Backup On Demand
Runs backup job only for the selected account using the job that was enabled in Backup on Demand Settings.
This is an on-demand backup of the account as it exists currently. If necessary, you can simply roll back to the recent on demand backup instead of restoring the last scheduled backup.
Backup on Demand Backups do not count towards your scheduled backup job rotation. To set the retention and TTL for Backup on Demand backups, please visit Backup on Demand Settings.
View Backups
Browse all backups corresponding to the selected account.
Available Options:
Full Backup
Under the Created column, click on the drop-down box (Choose Other Backup on advanced settings) to select the preferred full backup date you would like to queue a restore/download for.
Show Advanced Settings
To restore specific backup items, click the “Show Advanced Settings” button to customize which parts of the account you would like to include/exclude and queue a restore/download for. By default, all backup items are selected if available in your backup.
To include or exclude a backup item from the restore, click the Backup Item Tab and click the checkbox to the left of the backup item.
Items To Restore/Download
Panel Config
Home Directory Files
- Change Files Selection - Browse and select which files and folders you would like to include/exclude. Cron Jobs
Database Users
Home Directory - Files Restore/Download
You can restore individual Files/Folders via the “Home Directory” tab in “Show Advanced Settings”. NOTE the Change Files Selection option is only available for Incremental Backups.
Change the backup date by clicking the “Choose Other Backup” button from the “Created” column. Then, select the files or folders you’d like to restore with the “Change Files Selection” button. By default, all Home Directory files are included.
You’ll then be prompted to select Files/Folders to restore via the File Browser.
Delete the selected snapshot. The command jetbackup5 --enable-delete-snapshot
is required to be run on the server to enable snapshot deletion via the GUI. When enabled, a warning banner will be displayed on all pages.
Restore selected account backup items.
Restore Options:
- Terminate account before restore (Only for non reseller accounts)
- Merge live account data with backup data
- This option will merge your backup data with the existing data on your account. Live data takes precedence over the restored data.
- Suspend account after restore
Restore Conditions:
Conditions specified under the Restore Settings that would need to be accepted in order to proceed with the restoration.
Backups Private Encryption Key:
If the selected backup is encrypted and the owner chose to store their key remotely when opting for encrypted backups, you will need to provide their Private Encryption Key to proceed with the backup restore.
Download selected account backup items.
Backups Private Encryption Key:
If the selected backup is encrypted, you will need to provide the Private Encryption Key generated by the account owner when opting for encrypted backups to proceed with the backup download.
Lock Backups
Lock the selected backup out from the Backup Job rotation it is associated with. This will prevent JetBackup from cleaning the backup per your backup retention settings.
Unlock Backups
Reinstate the selected backup back into the Backup Job rotation it is associated with. Unlocking a backup will cause it to be cleaned by JetBackup per your backup retention settings.
View Downloads
Browse downloads corresponding to the selected account. Clicking the download button will directly download the file to the local machine via the browser.
Assignable Accounts
JetBackup assigns each account with a universally unique identifier (UUID). This ensures that backups are assigned to the correct users and prevents conflicts from accounts that may have the same name across multiple servers from accessing dissociated backups. JetBackup allows you to reassign accounts with the correct UUID if it detects multiple UUID’s with the same username.
Note: Orphan accounts respect the Delete orphan backups older than setting. Addtionally, if the orphan account no longer has any backups and is inactive, then it will have a TTL of 14 days. An account is considered an Orphan Account if it meets the following criteria:
- No owner on the server
- Backups exists on the destination for the account
- Account is inactive on the server
Accounts that are not Orphans, do not have any backups, and are inactive will respect a separate TTL of 60 days.
View Orphan Accounts
Orphan Backups are backups that have no associated active accounts.
Accounts that had multiple UUIDs (Assignable Accounts) before becoming an Orphan will appear as unique accounts for each UUID on the Orphan Accounts page. If an Account UUID has no associated backup and is “inactive” for 14 days, JetBackup will automatically remove this account from the JetBackup Database.
Manage Account Tags
Tags are used to help sort groups of accounts and set group priorities.
Create New Tag
Assign the Tag a name for internal use. You can assign the tag a custom color using Hexadecimal numbers. You may also use the built-in Random Hexadecimal Number Generator.
Manage Tags
You may assign tags to accounts by pressing the Manage Tags
button on the Accounts Page.
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