Last modified November 7, 2024



This function allows you to create/modify the Backup Job Object.


This function prints the objects data given its Backup Job ID.


This function lists all Backup Job Objects.


Function duplicates the given Backup Job’s configuration as a new Backup Job.


Function manually runs the Backup Job given its Backup Job ID.


This function allows you to delete the object given its Backup Job ID.

Parameter Dictionary

Backup Job Object

Parameter name Type Description Possible values Example
_id String Unique Backup Job ID N/A
{ "_id": "5fcb1df43606876d134aab82" }
name String Backup Job name used internally for your convenience. N/A
{ "name": "Full Account Backups" }
destination List [] List of Destination IDs assigned for this backup job. N/A
{ "destination": [ { "5fcb1df43606876d134aab82", } ] }
destination_name List [] Names of the destinations assigned to this backup job. N/A
{ "destination_name": [ { "Amazon S3", } ] }
type Integer The integer value for the Backup Type
Accounts 1
Directories 2
{ "type": 1 }
contains Integer The integer value for Contains. Full backup accounts will be the value of 511 which is 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256 (for all available backup options) (or 1|2|4|8|16|32|64|128|256 in binary operation).
Account Config 1
Account Homedir 2
Account Databases 4
Server Backup 7
Account Emails 8
Account Cron Jobs 16
Account Domains 32
Account Certificates 64
Account Database Users 128
Account FTP 256
Full Account 511
{ "contains": 511 }
options Integer Include or Exclude databases/Emails contents
Incude Databases 0
Exclude Emails Contents 1
Include Emails Contents 2
Exclude Databases and Email Junk 4
Include Junk 6
{ "options": 4 }
structure Integer The integer value for Backup Structure.
Incremental 1
Archived 2
Compressed 4
{ "stucture": 2 }
owner String The unique ID given to the owner. N/A
{ "owner": "5fc96deeac61ab0bc3020313" }
owner_name String The name assigned to the owner. N/A
{ "owner_name": "root" }
next_run String The date in UTC of the scheduled next run of the Backup Job. N/A
{ "next_run": "2020-12-09T03:57:09+00:00" }
last_run String The date in UTC of the last scheduled run of the Backup Job. N/A
{ "last_run": "2020-12-08T12:45:00+00:00" }
running Boolean Boolean value to determine if a backup job is currently running. null/1
{ "running": 1 }
disabled Boolean Boolean value to determine if a backup job is disabled. null/1
{ "disabled": 1 }
include_list List [] List of File/Directory Paths to Include for Directories Backup Types. N/A
{ "include_list": [ { "/home/acct/include", "/home/acct2/include2", } ] }
exclude_list List [] List of File/Directory Paths to Exclude from backup job. N/A
{ "exclude_list": [ { "/home/acct/exclude", "/home/acc2/exclude", } ] }
encrypted Boolean Boolean value to determine if a backup job will encrypt the backups. null/1
{ "enxrypted": 1 }
schedules List [] List of Schedule Objects assigned to the Backup Job. N/A
{ "schedules": [ { "_id": "(schedule ID)", "name": "(schedule name)", "type": "(schedule type)", "next_run": "(next run time)", "retain": "(backup retain)", } ] }
hooks List [] List of Hook Objects IDs assigned to the Backup Job. N/A
{ "hooks": [ { "_id": "(hook ID)", "name": "(hook name)" } ] }
filters List [] List of Account Filter Object Group IDs assigned to the Backup Job. N/A
{ "filters": [ { "0": "(Group Filter ID)", "1": "(Group Filter ID)" } ] }
monitor List [] List of the Job Monitor values in days.
  • notran
  • ranfor
{ "monitor": [ { "notran": 1, "ranfor": 0, } ] }