jetapi backup -F listBackupJobs
Find the job id you want to execute (in this example "_id":"5b7d3c0fd5ac5e42d659cf92").
Run the following command with your backup id
jetbackup -vR backup -I 5b7d3c0fd5ac5e42d659cf92
Command Alias
jetcli backup -vR backup -I 5b7d3c0fd5ac5e42d659cf92
Explanation about the flags we used
-v, --verbose increase verbosity
-f, --force no action prompt and force commands
-R, --run The command you want to execute
-I, --id The item ID to perform the action you provided if needed
-d, --debug Add debug output to the log file
Example output
[root@example ~]# jetbackup -vR backup -I 5b7d3c0fd5ac5e42d659cf92
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] JetBackup Version 1.0.4
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Checking job ID 5b7d3c0fd5ac5e42d659cf92...DONE - Backup Job "Compressed" (#5b7d3c0fd5ac5e42d659cf92)
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Executing onBackupStart Hooks...
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Pushing onBackupStart Notification...DONE
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] User Custom Hooks
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Executing "pre-backup" hook with root account (script: `php /hook.php`)...DONE
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] onBackupStart Hooks Done
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Checking connection...DONE
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Checking if destination disk space usage reached to the limit of 80%...DONE - Limit didn't reached - Continuing backup
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Destination Disk Space Usage is 36.29% (14.1 GB out of 38.8 GB)
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Creating Compressed Backup for Accounts Configurations, Files, Databases, Emails, Cron Jobs, DNS Zones, SSL Certificates...
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Preparing accounts list for backup...DONE - 4 Accounts found for backup
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Preparing progress bar data...DONE
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300]
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Account "account01"
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300]
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Account 1 of 4
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Executing onBackupAccountStart Hooks...
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] User Custom Hooks
[22 October 2018 11:37:44 AM +0300] Executing "pre-backup-account" hook with root account (script: `php /hook.php`)...DONE