NOTICE: This Documentation is for JetBackup 4 for Linux.

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Remote SSH Backup job fails on "Synology" NAS drive

When using a Synology drive for a remote ssh backup, in some scenarios rsync might fail

[22/Dec/2015 02:05:01 -0500] JBM Version 3.0.62
[22/Dec/2015 02:05:01 -0500] Starting job "Local to Remote" (#5)
[22/Dec/2015 02:05:01 -0500] Server process id "33130"
[22/Dec/2015 02:05:01 -0500] Connecting destination...DONE
[22/Dec/2015 02:05:05 -0500] Creating Directory Incremental Backup...
[22/Dec/2015 02:05:05 -0500] Retrieving backup files...DONE
[22/Dec/2015 02:05:05 -0500] Transferring backup to destination...FAILED
[22/Dec/2015 02:45:31 -0500] -> rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (6970054 bytes received so far) [sender]
[22/Dec/2015 02:45:31 -0500] -> rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [sender=3.1.1]
[22/Dec/2015 02:45:31 -0500] Job Failed.

Try the following workaround to resolve this issue:

  • Main Menu -> Backup & Replication.
  • Click "Backup Services".
  • Enable the "network backup services".

More information about this issue on synology forum