click on "create a bucket". Give your bucket a unique name, and choose "private".
A generic name for your internal ease of use, so it will be easier to recognize the backup destination roll, in case you have more than one.
Max length is 40 characters.
This will be our starting point when accessing this destination.
Make sure to not start with "/".
Write your path to where you want the backup to be stored.
You can leave the backup directory empty if you want that the backup will be stored in the main directory.
This option will check if destination disk space reached the specified limit before it performs the backup. If you enable this option and available disk space is less than the amount specified, the system will not perform the backup.
The identifier for the account.
The account Application Key.
In order to create a bucket using BackBlaze console go to Creating a Bucket in the Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Buckets.
If the upload fails for some reason retry upload x times.
Wait x seconds before next retry