NOTICE: This Documentation is for JetBackup 4 for Linux.

Please CLICK HERE for the latest JetBackup 5 for Linux Documentation.

Create New Filters

A database filter helps us to backup databases by predefined conditions.
In order to create a new filter, click on Backup Jobs at the JetBackup sidebar and choose Manage Database Filters.
Or create it when you Create New Backup Job.

Manage Database Filters

Click on Create New Filter

Create New Filters

Example configuration page for a new filter:

Create New Filters Page

Filter Type

  • Database Filter - Filter which databases will be Include/Exclude in backup/clone job.
  • Characters Range Filter - Filter accounts name by characters range, to be Include/Exclude in backup job.
  • Regular Expression Filter - Filter accounts name by a regular expression, to be Include/Exclude in backup job.

Filter Name

This will be used internally your convenience.

Filter Condition

Set Filter Condition to either include or exclude databases based on this filter

Filter Logic

All databases will be backed up unless a filter is created to include/exclude specific databases.
You may use more than one filter type per backup job which will be joined together with an AND or OR statement.
AND - when using an AND statement between two filters the conditions of BOTH filters must be met in order for a database to be included by the backup job.
OR - when using an OR statement between two filters the condition of EITHER filter should be met in order for a database to be included by the backup job.


All Databases: {acct01_db,acct02_db,acct03_db}
Filter A: Database Filter, Include: {acct01_db, acct02_db}
Filter B: Datbase Filter, Include: {acct01_db}
Filter C: Database Filter, Exclude: {acct02_db}

Creating a filter with the following filter type combinations will provide these results:
Filter A AND Filter B => Only {acct01_db} will be backed up.
Filter B OR Filter C => Only {acct01_db, acct03_db} will be backed up.
Filter A OR Filter B => Only {acct01_db, acct02_db} will be backed up.
Filter A AND Filter B AND Filter C => Only {acct01_db} will be backed up.
Filter A OR Filter B AND Filter C => Only {acct01_db, acct02_db} will be backed up.