Email Server
Local PHP Mailer/SMTP.
SMTP Settings
- SMTP From Email - Reply-to email address.
- SMTP Host - SMTP email server hostname.
- SMTP Port - SMTP email server port.
- SMTP Username - SMTP username.
- SMTP Password - SMTP password.
- SMTP Secure - SMTP encryption protocol. (None/SSL/TLS)
- Verify SSL - SSL verification on SMTP connection.
- SMTP Timeout - Authentication connection timeout in seconds.
Email Addresses
Email addresses that notifications will be sent to. (separated by comma) [ Leave blank to use the server default contact e-mail. ]
Global Notify
You will receive notifications on a global issue such as failed license validations and many more.
Restore Notify
Notify for each restore that has been completed.
Backup Notify
Notify for each backup that finishes.
Snapshots Notify
Notify for each snapshot that finishes.
Clone Notify
Notify for each clone that finishes.
Backup Index Process Notify
Notify for each backups index process is finished.
Download Notify
Notify for each download process that finishes.
Daily Cron Notify
Notify me after daily cron finish (Full report is included).
Alerts Notify
Notify me on alerts in the selected types. The options are Information/Warning/Critical.
For more information about alert types follow