The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union (EU). If you believe you are subject to GDPR, you should consider enabling "GDPR Mode".
For more information regarding GDPR, please visit: General Data Protection Regulation.
Displays your User Agreement to clients with GDPR Mode enabled.
Displays your Privacy Policy to clients with GDPR Mode enabled.
As required under GDPR, displays the locations of your backup destinations with GDPR Mode enabled.
Specify the number of days that JetBackup will keep TERMINATED cPanel account data(including backups, logs and etc...). [ To disable insert 0 ]. Once reached, all data from the corresponding account(s) will be completely deleted.
Choose a backup destination for this job. You can find more details about backup destinations in the following link: Destinations Overview.
Please note that under GDPR Mode, clients are limited to full account backups, downloads and restores and will not be able to select individual parts of their backups.
Choose directories to be excluded from backup, you can enter one or many.
Click Exclude Files and Directories link for more details.
Click on Create Schedule for more details regarding setting up backup schedules.
JetBackup also gives you the option to set multiple schedules for each backup/clone/reindex job.
There are no extra overhead between backups with multiple schedules running at the same time as
JetBackup will automatically mark each coinciding backup with the appropriate schedule types.
The time that you want all schedules to be executed.
Setting this value to "10" will backup only 10 accounts for each cron run.
If the server has 60 accounts and the job is scheduled to run daily it will backup 10 accounts each time.
In this scenario, fully backing up 60 accounts will take 6 days. The backup order is alphabetical.
This feature will not work with multi schedule job
Setting this value to "600" will backup only 10 hours for each cron run. [ Insert 0 to disable ]
This feature will not work with multi schedule job
ionice/renice Override the default performance settings for this specific job.
Choose whether to notify if there were no backups for x days and if the job process runs more then x days. (Insert 0 to disable).
Check this option if you would like to suspend all accounts backup until they agree to the new terms.