WARNING: JetBackup 4 is set to reach its End-of-Life (EOL) on July 1st, 2024. For More Information, please visit: JetBackup 4 EOL Announcement.
NOTICE: JetBackup 5 is now available in the Stable Tier. For more information, please visit our Jetbackup 5 Documentation.

Characters to Avoid when naming Files and Folders

While JetBackup supports almost any characters for filenames (UTF-8), there are special characters/symbols that are generally best avoided as there are specific limitations across various filesystems and storage destinations which can cause unintended issues with your backups.

This list is not exhaustive and is meant to help determine and avoid errors regarding filenames and your backups.

# pound % percent & ampersand { left curly bracket
} right curly bracket \ back slash < left angle bracket > right angle bracket
* asterisk ? question mark / forward slash blank spaces
$ dollar sign ! exclamation point ' single quotes " double quotes
: colon @ at sign + plus sign ` backtick
| pipe = equal sign